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Image by Pawel Czerwinski




Website users / clients / suppliers / job applicants
Last updated: February 13, 2024

imec.istart future fund is a limited partnership (“commanditaire vennootschap” / “société en commandite”), whose registered office is located at Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium and which is registered with the Crossroads Bank of Entreprises under number BE 1005.394.211(RLE Antwerp, section Antwerp) (“Future Fund” or “we”) References to “you” and “your” are to persons external to Future Fund (users of our Website, clients, prospects, suppliers and job applicants).
This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the processing of personal data that takes place via Future Fund’s Website ( (“Website”) or the use of our contact details referenced on the Website (emails, phone numbers, post). This Privacy Policy must be read in conjunction with the Cookie policy which can be found here. This Privacy Policy applies only to the processing of data of physical persons, not of legal persons.
If you have further questions about this Website or about this Privacy Policy, you may contact
This Privacy Policy may be modified, for example in connection with new features on the Website or to comply with new legal, contractual, or administrative obligations. We therefore recommend that you regularly consult this Privacy Policy. Important changes will be announced on our Website. This version of the Privacy Policy was last modified on the date referred to above/
The protection of your personal data is really important to us. We will ensure that your personal data is processed safely and lawfully, and always in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, and in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

1. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?
Future Fund is the controller, in the meaning of the GDPR, for the processing of personal data.

2. What personal data do we process
We will process directly indentifying information about you when you provide us with such personal data (for example, through a contact form on one of the pages on our Website or via e-mail) or when you contact us directly by e-mail, phone or fax. Such personal information may include the following information:

  • Your name, e-mail address, address, phone number, job title, your company;

  • If you are a job applicant, your current role and name of your employer, the industry sector where you work, your CV and cover letter.

We will also process certain non-directly identifying data when you visit our Website, such as the type of browser you are using, the operating system you are using, you IP address, etc.

3. Why do we process your data and under which legal basis?
For the technical and functional management of the Website.
We process personal data for the technical and functional management of our Website and ot make the Website easy to use. By using your data, we can check how our Website is used and we can improve its content and lay-out. This data also allows us to adequately secure out Website.
For this, we can process data such as your IP address, the pages you visit, the browser you are using, the sites you visited earlier, and the time and duration of your visit. We do this, for example, by using cookies. More information about the use of cookies can be found in our Cookie Policy to be found here.
We process this data based on the legitimate interest of Future Fund in providing a well-functioning and secure Website.
To keep you informed of our ser­vices and activ­i­ties and for direct mar­ket­ing
We process your per­son­al data to keep you informed of our activ­i­ties, for exam­ple, with our newslet­ter, publications on our Website, or events.
To this end, we can process data such as your name, your job, your com­pa­ny name, your address, your e-mail address and your pre­ferred language.
We process this infor­ma­tion based on our legit­i­mate inter­ests to keep your informed of our activ­i­ties. You can object to this pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion at any time (see point 6).
To answer your ques­tions.
If you ask us a ques­tion by tele­phone, via a con­tact form on the Web­site or by e-mail, we will process your per­son­al data in order to answer that question.
For this, we can process data such as your name, your con­tact infor­ma­tion, your cor­re­spon­dence with Future Fund, and any oth­er per­son­al data you pro­vide that may be rel­e­vant to answer­ing your question.
We process this infor­ma­tion based on our legit­i­mate inter­ests. You are free to choose to pro­vide us with your per­son­al data, and you object at any time (see point 6).
To make con­tact in the con­text of a selec­tion and recruit­ment process
When you apply for a job through the Web­site or by e-mail, we process your per­son­al data in order to con­tact you and to fol­low up your application.
For this, we can process data such as your name, your con­tact infor­ma­tion, your cor­re­spon­dence with Future Fund, your resume, and oth­er doc­u­ments you pro­vide us with.
The pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data for this pur­pose is based on your request to take steps pri­or to enter­ing into a contract.
To com­ply with our legal and reg­u­la­to­ry oblig­a­tions.
If you are a Limited Partner of Future Fund, we have to com­ply with cer­tain legal and reg­u­la­to­ry oblig­a­tions such as with respect to anti-mon­ey laun­der­ing, KYC dec­la­ra­tions and sanc­tion checks. We must also com­ply with our tax and account­ing obligations.
For this, we can process data such as your name, your con­tact infor­ma­tion, your cor­re­spon­dence with Future Fund and your finan­cial data.
The pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data for this pur­pose is based on the need for Future Fund to respect a legal oblig­a­tion we need to com­ply with.
Han­dling our own dis­putes.
We may process your per­son­al infor­ma­tion to han­dle our own dis­putes and pro­tect and enforce our rights.

For this, we can process data such as your name, your con­tact infor­ma­tion, your cor­re­spon­dence with Future Fund and your finan­cial data.
The pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data for this pur­pose is based on our legit­i­mate inter­ests con­sist­ing in being able to safe­guard our rights in the event of disputes.

4. Who has access to your personal data?
Website Hosting
Future Fund uses the hosting services of provides us with the online platform to host our Website. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. They store data on secure servers behind a firewall.
Wix is a global company that respects the laws of the jurisdictions it operates within. The processing of personal data may take place within the territory of the European Union, Israel or a third country, territory, or one or more specified sectors within that third country, of which, the European Commission has decided that it ensures an adequate level of protection (transfer on the basis of an adequacy decision). Any transfer to a third country outside the European Union - which does not ensure an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission - will be undertaken in accordance with the current and updated set of Standard Contractual Clauses, as approved by the European Commission.
Social media
Our Web­sites allows you to fol­low us on social media chan­nels, e.g., LinkedIn and X. We do not use these but­tons to share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion with social media providers. When you click on a fol­low but­ton, the rel­e­vant social media provider will gath­er your per­son­al infor­ma­tion direct­ly from you. 
Please read the pri­va­cy notice of any social media provider with which you intend to share your per­son­al information.
Oth­er third par­ties
We may share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion with:

  • (sub)contractors for assist­ing us in ful­fill­ing the pur­pos­es list­ed above; our accoun­tants, audi­tors, lawyers or sim­i­lar advis­ers when we ask them to pro­vide us with pro­fes­sion­al advice;

  • judi­cial, police or admin­is­tra­tive author­i­ties if we are under a duty to dis­close or share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion in order to com­ply with any legal oblig­a­tion, a bind­ing deci­sion of an admin­is­tra­tive author­i­ty or a court order;

  • investors and oth­er rel­e­vant third par­ties in in the event of a cor­po­rate trans­ac­tion relat­ed to Future Fund.

Future Fund will only share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion with these third par­ties pro­vid­ed that they com­ply with GDPR if they act as inde­pen­dent con­trollers or based on a data pro­cess­ing agree­ment if they act as proces­sors. For a detailed list of these third par­ties, please con­tact us by e-mail at, or post to Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium (Bel­gium).

5. How do we pro­tect your per­son­al data and how long do we keep your per­son­al data?
Future Fund takes rea­son­able secu­ri­ty mea­sures to pro­tect your per­son­al data from destruc­tion, loss, mod­i­fi­ca­tion or any oth­er unau­tho­rised processing.
Future Fund does not store your per­son­al data for longer than nec­es­sary for the pur­pos­es for which it is stored. If you would like to find out how long we keep your per­son­al infor­ma­tion for a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose you can con­tact us by e-mail at, or post to Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium (Bel­gium).

6. What rights do you have and how can you exer­cise your rights?

  • You have the right to access your per­son­al data. This allows you to find out which per­son­al data we process about you.

  • You have the right to cor­rect your per­son­al data. This allows you to cor­rect or com­plete incor­rect or incom­plete per­son­al data that we process about you.

  • You have the right of dele­tion of your per­son­al data. This allows you to per­ma­nent­ly delete the per­son­al data we process about you. We are not always oblig­ed to delete your per­son­al data at your request — this right only applies in the cas­es and to the extent pro­vid­ed for by law.

  • You have the right to lim­it the pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data relat­ing to you. This allows you to freeze our use of your per­son­al data with­out delet­ing it. We are not always oblig­ed to lim­it the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data at your request — this right only applies in the cas­es and to the extent pro­vid­ed for by law.

  • You have the right to object to the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data. This allows you to object to the fur­ther pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data. We are not always oblig­ed to accept your objec­tion — this right only applies if we process your per­son­al data on the basis of our legit­i­mate interest.

  • You have the right to with­draw your con­sent when the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data takes place on the basis of your con­sent. With­draw­al of your con­sent does not affect the law­ful­ness of the pro­cess­ing based on con­sent before withdrawal.

  • You have the right to object to to cer­tain types of pro­cess­ing, on grounds relat­ing to your par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion, at any time inso­far as that pro­cess­ing takes place for the pur­pos­es of legit­i­mate inter­ests pur­sued by us or by a third par­ty. We will be allowed to con­tin­ue to process your per­son­al infor­ma­tion if we can demon­strate ​“com­pelling legit­i­mate grounds for the pro­cess­ing which over­ride your inter­ests, rights and free­doms” or we need this for the estab­lish­ment, exer­cise or defence of legal claims. You can always object to the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data for direct mar­ket­ing purposes.

  • You may have the right to data porta­bil­i­ty. This allows you to eas­i­ly trans­fer, copy or move per­son­al data from one con­troller to anoth­er. This right can only be exer­cised if the pro­cess­ing is based on your con­sent or on an agree­ment con­clud­ed with you.

You can direct your request based on the above rights and your com­plaints to, or post to Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium (Bel­gium).
You also have the right to file a com­plaint with the super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty of the place where you live. For Bel­gium this is the Bel­gian Data Pro­tec­tion Author­i­ty. It can be reached by mail at Rue de la Presse – Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brus­sels, by e-mail at the fol­low­ing address: contact@​apd-​gba.​be and by phone at: +32 2 247 48 00.

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