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Image by Pawel Czerwinski




Last updated: February 13, 2024

This is the Cookie Policy for imec.istart future fund’s website (

1. General

The con­troller of the infor­ma­tion we col­lect through the use of the cook­ies and sim­i­lar track­ing tech­nolo­gies that we placed on our web­site is imec.istart future fund is a limited partnership (“commanditaire vennootschap” / “société en commandite”), whose registered office is located at Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium and which is registered with the Crossroads Bank of Entreprises under number BE 1005.394.211 (RLE Antwerp, section Antwerp) (“Future Fund” or “we”).

This pol­i­cy explains how we use cook­ies. This pol­i­cy does not affect your rights under any applic­a­ble data pro­tec­tion leg­is­la­tion such as the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (“GDPR”). More infor­ma­tion about how we process your per­son­al data and what your rights as a data sub­ject can be found in our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy. This Cook­ie Pol­i­cy must be read togeth­er with our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy.


If you have any ques­tions about this Cook­ie Pol­i­cy, you can con­tact us by e-mail at, by post to Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen (Bel­gium.


This cook­ie pol­i­cy can be amend­ed, for exam­ple, in response to new fea­tures on the web­site. We there­fore rec­om­mend that you reg­u­lar­ly con­sult this Cook­ie Pol­i­cy. Impor­tant changes will be announced on our web­site. This ver­sion of the Cook­ie Pol­i­cy was last mod­i­fied on the date set out above.


When you vis­it our web­site, we auto­mat­i­cal­ly col­lect infor­ma­tion through the use of cook­ies. Oth­er tech­nolo­gies such as pix­el tags, brows­er analy­sis tools, serv­er logs and web bea­cons are also used for the pur­pos­es as described in this Cook­ie Pol­i­cy. The infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed below about cook­ies also applies to these kinds of technologies.

2. What are Cookies?

Cook­ies are small text files that are set on your brows­er, your com­put­er or your mobile device. The web­site asks your brows­er to store the cook­ie on your device in order to remem­ber infor­ma­tion about you, such as, for exam­ple, your lan­guage pref­er­ence or login infor­ma­tion to ensure that your device is recog­nised when you revis­it the web­site. Cook­ies can have dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es: to ensure that the web­site takes user pref­er­ences into account by, for exam­ple, remem­ber­ing cer­tain pref­er­ences, col­lect­ing sta­tis­ti­cal data, adapt­ing con­tent, etc.

a. Per­ma­nent vs. ses­sion cook­ies and first-par­ty vs. third-par­ty cookies

A dis­tinc­tion is made between per­ma­nent and ses­sion cook­ies on the one hand and first-par­ty and third-par­ty cook­ies on the oth­er hand.

  • Per­ma­nent cook­ies remain on the user’s device for a spe­cif­ic peri­od of time.

  • Ses­sion cook­ies are delet­ed after the user clos­es the browser.

  • First-par­ty cook­ies are cook­ies installed by Cresco itself on its website.

  • Third-par­ty cook­ies are cook­ies installed by oth­er par­ties (i.e. cook­ies from a domain dif­fer­ent than the domain of the web­site you are vis­it­ing, e.g. Google Ana­lyt­ics cookies).


b. Cat­e­gories of cookies

We can also split cook­ies into four cat­e­gories, depend­ing on the pur­pose for which they are used: stric­tky nec­es­sary cook­ies, func­tion­al cook­ies, per­for­mance cook­ies, tar­get­ing cookies.

Strict­ly Nec­es­sary Cook­ies

Strict­ly Nec­es­sary Cook­ies are nec­es­sary for the web­site to func­tion prop­er­ly and can­not be deac­ti­vat­ed in our cook­ie ban­ner. They are usu­al­ly only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for ser­vices, such as set­ting your pri­va­cy pref­er­ences or fill­ing out forms. These cook­ies are set direct­ly on your brows­er by Future Fund based on our legit­i­mate inter­est in pro­vid­ing a well-func­tion­ing and secure website.


Func­tion­al Cook­ies

Func­tion­al Cook­ies enable the web­site to pro­vide enhanced func­tion­al­i­ty and per­son­al­i­sa­tion. Pref­er­ence cook­ies are cook­ies that auto­mat­i­cal­ly remem­ber the choic­es that you have pre­vi­ous­ly made in order to improve your expe­ri­ence next time you vis­it the web­site (e.g. where you select your pre­ferred lan­guage or remem­ber set­tings such as whether or not you have logged in already). These cook­ies are set based on your con­sent. You can with­draw your con­sent at any time.


Per­for­mance Cook­ies

Per­for­mance Cook­ies allow us to count vis­its and to track traf­fic sources so we can analyse and improve the per­for­mance of our web­site. These cook­ies pro­vide us with infor­ma­tion about the use of our web­site and help us opti­mise our web­site. They help us under­stand which pages are the most and least pop­u­lar and how vis­i­tors move around the web­site. All the infor­ma­tion these cook­ies col­lect is aggre­gat­ed. If you do not allow these cook­ies, we do not know when you vis­it­ed our site, and we will not be able to mon­i­tor its per­for­mance. These cook­ies are set based on your con­sent. You can with­draw your con­sent at any time.


Tar­get­ing Cook­ies

These cook­ies may be set through our site by our adver­tis­ing part­ners. They may be used by those com­pa­nies to build a pro­file of your inter­ests and show you rel­e­vant adverts on oth­er sites. They do not direct­ly store per­son­al infor­ma­tion, but are based on unique iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of your brows­er and inter­net device. These cook­ies are set based on your con­sent. You can with­draw your con­sent at any time. If you do not allow these cook­ies, you will expe­ri­ence less tar­get­ed advertising.

3. How can you delete or block cookies, or change your settings?

We place strict­ly nec­es­sary cook­ies on our web­site in order to pro­vide you with access to our web­site and ser­vices that you specif­i­cal­ly ask you to pro­vide us.


All oth­er cook­ies (i.e. func­tion­al cook­ies, per­for­mance cook­ies and tar­get­ing cook­ies) will not be used unless you give us your con­sent to use them. You can give your con­sent per cat­e­go­ry of cook­ies. If you give us your con­sent, you can always with­draw it after­wards by access­ing the hyper­link on the bot­tom of our website’s pages.


You can also set-up your cook­ies pref­er­ences through your brows­er. Most Inter­net browsers are set up to accept cook­ies auto­mat­i­cal­ly. How­ev­er, the brows­er set­tings on your device allow you to delete cook­ies that have already been installed and to refuse the instal­la­tion of new cook­ies. How this is done dif­fers from brows­er to brows­er. If need­ed, con­sult the help func­tion of your brows­er or use these links to go direct­ly to the man­u­al of your brows­er: Inter­net Explor­er, Mozil­la Fire­fox, Chrome and Safari.

On https://​www​.youron​line​choic​es​.com/​b​e-nl/ you can indi­cate which com­pa­nies are and which are not allowed to record your brows­ing behaviour.


Please note that if you do not accept cer­tain types of cook­ies or if you deac­ti­vate cook­ies, cer­tain parts of the web­site or cer­tain ele­ments may not be acces­si­ble and/​or may not look good. You may also be unable to use cer­tain appli­ca­tions, and some parts of our web­site may need more time to work or may not func­tion properly.

4. Data subject’s rights

Cer­tain data that we col­lect from you through cook­ies or oth­er tech­nolo­gies allow us to iden­ti­fy you as a nat­ur­al per­son or may be linked to you. These data there­fore qual­i­fy as per­son­al data, which is why our Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy applies to the pro­cess­ing of these data by our cookies.


You have the right to ask for:

  • access­ing your data;

  • rec­ti­fy­ing your data;

  • restrict­ing the pro­cess­ing of your data;

  • with­draw­ing your con­sent at any time as explained above;

  • eras­ing your data.


If you want to know more about these rights, please con­sult point 6 of our Pri­va­cy Policy.

If you want to exer­cise these rights, please send an email to We under­take to respond to any request to exer­cise the afore­men­tioned rights with­in thir­ty (30) cal­en­dar days.


Fur­ther­more, you always have the right to lodge a com­plaint or ini­ti­ate pro­ceed­ings with the data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty (“Data Pro­tec­tion Author­i­ty” or ​“Gegevens­bescher­mingsautoriteit”) with the fol­low­ing con­tact details: Data Pro­tec­tion Author­i­ty (GBA), Rue de la Press 35, 1000 Brus­sels, +32(0)2 274 48 00/+32(0)2 274 48 35; contact@​apd-​gba.​be; https://​www​.dat​apro​tec​tio​nau​thor​i​ty​.be.

5. Personal data transfers

Future Fund itself does not trans­fer any (per­son­al) data to coun­tries out­side the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area. Cer­tain third par­ties (e.g. Wix), which Cresco relies on, and which have access to the (per­son­al) data col­lect­ed by cook­ies may trans­fer your per­son­al data to a coun­try out­side the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area (e.g. the Unit­ed States). Please refer to the pri­va­cy and cook­ie poli­cies of these respec­tive third par­ties for more infor­ma­tion about this transfer:


6. Questions

If you have fur­ther ques­tions about our web­site or about this Cook­ie Pol­i­cy, please con­tact us by send­ing an e-mail to

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